The nature of biological and informational viruses is the same

“The nature of biological and informational viruses is the same

“The nature of biological and informational viruses is the same.
Any thought is a virus.
Maintain social distance.
Stay away from morons.”
Yuri Larichev

“The virus is bad news wrapped in protein.”
(Virus discoverer D. Ivanovsky)


I totally agree that the virus is news, i.e. such information that is new to the recipient.

But with the fact that this is bad news, I fundamentally disagree.

The news may look different for different recipients only …

Therefore, categorizing the news as “good” or “bad” depends solely on the point of view of the recipient …

A biological virus is a technology, the use of which allows the Creator of the virus to introduce (embody, materialize) his ideas into the substances of specific Fleshes (Bodies), for changing the algorithm of functioning of which he was created.

A informational virus is a technology, the use of which allows the Creator of the virus to introduce (materialize) his ideas in the consciousness of specific Souls (Personalities), for changing the algorithm of functioning of which he was created.



Vegans and vegetarians. What are all sufferings for?

I remember the words of my mother ever since I was little. She was a doctor and said if a seriously ill patient asks for a meat, then the illness comes to an end and the patient is going to do well. The desire of a seriously ill patient to eat a meat always was a signal that unequivocally claimed — the patient’s body is making progress, i.e. it is coming through an illness …

But in recent years the majority have become engrossed in vegetarianism, veganism, raw foodism, inedia, etc. Many people refuse a meat … Some people have already gnawed stools, lightbulbs, razor blades …

What is it? Fashion? The way to extinction of the humankind? What are the reasons to suffer? Many people explain their actions by a wide variety of motives: ethical, medical, religious, economic ones, etc.

I’ll try to answer these questions, because I haven’t found an acceptable answer on the Web yet.

The modern humankind, in its essence, is very heterogeneous and nutrition of people living in different parts of the planet, i.e. in different climatic conditions greatly differs from one another and if these groups of people exchange places of their living, they couldn’t even survive …

Look at people living on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, they eat raw fish and drink seal oil. Look at people who live in northern Africa, they eat acute food with a lot of camel and lamb oil (in Europe, human stomach stops functioning properly in a day or two). This list can be endless …

Of course, people have the right to experiment on their material bodies and eat whatever they want.

The representatives of the modern humankind are constantly trying something new: now they’re drinking only water, now trying to eat only plant food, then using only solar energy, then start eating insects only, etc. … The material bodies of people — like self-organizing objects — begin to adapt to all new forms of food. But in order to complete the process of adjusting the body to new types of nutrition, our material bodies need to evolve, and many future generations will be involved in this process. In the meantime, the experimentalists and their children will get sick and suffer … from indigestion and improper functioning of many elements (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and micro elements) in their bodies that are necessary to support the vital functions of the material bodies.


Mother Nature (the functioning algorithms of material bodies, the environment, the Universe, God) is interested in the widest food variety for people whose material bodies are able to take anything. But it’s impossible to create a perfect digestive system for swallowing metal and plastic, plants, meat, etc. It isn’t possible yet. But food diversity can greatly impact on the survival of all humankind in the future (the fall of meteorites and asteroids, volcanic eruptions, changes in the magnetic field of the planet …).

In the near future, people will be able to create the human material bodies with ability to digest anything. They’ll also create new genetically modified material bodies on the basis of genetic engineering … But the real situation looks a bit different until such creations aren’t available for a daily use.

The modern humankind should experiment with nutrition to survive in the future. So, the essential functioning algorithms of our material bodies are initially programmed to maintain similar experiments on food diversity as much as possible in principle … and they will contribute to such experiments in the future …

Maybe the earth “meaning of life” of all experimentalists — vegans, vegetarians, rawatarians, etc. — consists in creation of the material bodies with ability to digest something unique.

Everyone decides by himself whether it makes sense to take part in such experiments that lead at the first stage to sufferings and diseases of the material bodies …

That’s life …


My tricky questions for vegans and vegetarians:

  • What do you feed your pets (dogs and cats) with?
  • Do you eat plants that consume the flesh of insects, birds or animals?
  • How do you differentiate carnivorous plants from all the rest?
  • Do such plants like wheat and rye refer to meat eating ones?
  • Do you know why there is a sticky liquid on the leaves of many plants? Are you ready to drink tea of a lime color?
  • 🙂

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Objects and Philosophy of the Compatibility of Their Hardware with Software Components

In my everyday life I use iPhone 6, hardware of which – completed with the iOS 8 operating system – saw the light in late 2014. The frequently changing Apple`s iOS operating system was rapidly developing during the following three years: iOS 8 -> iOS 9 -> iOS 10 -> iOS 11. Today my iPhone 6 doesn`t maintain many of the latest features of this operating system as it requires more advanced hardware, i.e. faster processor, more RAM, more advanced camera and photo-flash, etc.

Despite the fact that iPhone 6 and iOS 11 are compatible with each other, the user is able to reveal incompatibility of its hardware with software part, which appears in use as restricted functions of the apps being installed.

I attempt to develop a “fantastic” hypothesis. If we assume that any objects of the Universe, the bodies of which are based on well-known substance, consist of hardware and software parts (they have material bodies and immaterial field “Selves” incarnated into them), then we understand many facts from everyday life of the animals around us.

Many Eastern scientists claim that “the Selves” of human beings can incarnate (set, install, penetrate …) into the material bodies of animals. I will not discuss the reasons for these incarnations in this article, but I want to draw the attention of my readers to the very clever animals around us, they just cannot tell us many things … there is incompatibility of their hardware with their software parts … there is incompatibility of capabilities of their material bodies with potentials of the immaterial field “Selves” that have incarnated into their bodies…

Of course, the animal brain is less developed than the brain of a human being (a kind of analogy is less operative processor, running on the algorithms that differ from ones of the human beings), less volume of consciousness (a kind of analogy is less amount of systematized information in the permanent memory) … so, it is quite possible that they want to say something, but most often they simply aren`t able to do it … and just look devotedly into our eyes …

At the will of Nature (self-organizing objects of the higher hierarchies), in the next 100-200 years many animals on the Earth will speak and communicate with us “in the language of the common man” … For this purpose, their material bodies will be fast-evolving, improving the parameters of their brains, the parameters of the central nervous systems, the parameters of their auditory and visual organs, etc. … changing their voice apparatus with its vocal cords… But 100-200 years on the Earth is 50-200 of their generations, during which their material bodies will evolve, passing down through the generations those changes that will contribute to their survival in “our” World …

Look carefully round you …

© 2018, Helen Zhoglo, translation into English

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