Karmic precepts of Molfar – bearers of Vedic Knowledge

precepts of Molfar

  1. A people is reckless, illogical, and egocentric. Love them anyway.

  2. If you do good, they will say you do it for personal gain. Do good anyway.

  3. If you achieve your goals, you will find false friends and real enemies. Achieve your goals anyway.

  4. The good you do today, tomorrow will be forgotten. Be persistent and honest anyway.

  5. Honesty and sincerity make you vulnerable. Be honest and sincere anyway.

  6. Great people with great ideas can be killed by insignificant people with insignificant thoughts. No matter, think grandly anyway.

  7. What you build for years can be destroyed in an instant. Build anyway.

  8. People favor the underdog but only follow the winners. Stand with the underdogs anyway.

  9. People truly need help, but they may turn against you if you help them. Help them anyway.

  10. If you give the world your best, you may receive ingratitude. Give your best anyway.

    If you print these commandments and hang them on the wall, people will laugh at you. Hang them anyway.

    For reference: Molfar (Ukrainian: мольфар) is a person believed to possess supernatural abilities, a healer, a bearer of ancient knowledge and culture. Molfars became widely known thanks to the book “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors” by Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky (1911) and the film of the same name based on it (1964).