When and how can somebody be done a favor?

The question: When can somebody be done a favor?
The answer: If you’re asked for a help. Otherwise, it will be a kind of involuntary action.


The question: Can somebody be offered with advices?
The answer: Yes,it’s possible but undesirable.If you advise someone else, this one will start thinking about your own advice, that is, about your personal point of view on the issues he is interested in. As a result, this person will make no efforts in order to get answers on his own! But take into account that in the end, the one who gave advice will always be at fault …


The question: Is it possible to change some person for the better?
The answer: Nobody has a right to change another individual.Neither for the better nor for the worse! In no circumstances! People have a right to make the information (their thoughts) available for each other!


The question: What is the way out then?
The answer: You just need to bear information and a person decides by himself whether to think over it or to shut his ears to the words being heard. If he wants to hear these words and his intelligence allows to realize what he heard, then he’ll make decision by himself about the necessity of these or that changes…


The question: What rules must curer follow during the healing of individuals?
The answer: Do not advice anything! Just ask your patient how can he/she change the current situation? How can he/she improve the current situation? Help (afford an opportunity) to “see” (sense) the way out of the current challenges. Do not interfere with this processunder any circumstances!