Otherworldly view on “our” nature. Users

Let’s contemplate the thought experiment:

Three different families bought the same type of a TV. These identical TVs were sold in one and the same store and produced at the same enterprise… But the first family constantly watch the news broadcasts, the second family prefers various TV series, and the third one is a fond of sports programs. There is nothing to be surprised about. Why? Because in every family there is a primary User of the device purchased (a TV set in this case) and exactly this person determines its usage policy. As a rule, this TV was bought to satisfy the wishes of this particular User…

 The same situation is with all other devices…

 In fact, the term “device” always denotes some object (device, mechanism, construction, installation …) human beings have created for their own needs to perform strictly defined functions (personal computer, mobile phone, TV, radio, refrigerator, air conditioner, cookstove, car…)


For example, a personal computer (PC). Computers are called “personal” just because they are used by certain “persons”, i.e. “Users”. As a rule, each personal computer has one user. Each user is free to use his personal computer in his own discretion: to play computer games, to develop any innovative facilities, to constantly surf the social networks, etc.

 What is an obvious conclusion we can arrive at after the results of this thought experiment?

Using a lot of identical devices, will never help different people to create the same information, since it is called “personal information” for a reason, that is, Users (“persons”) create it as well as possess it. And each user produces his own “personal information”, using the certain devices he prefers.

The same situation is with people…

Despite the similar functionality of the human bodies as well as the possibility to duplicate (clone, copy) their genetically identical material bodies, they all have and will always possess different memory, different consciousness, different character, different knowledge, different experience… Why is it so? One of the possible variants is that various people just have various Users.

The material body just provides “own” User with the opportunity to cognize “our” World and perform certain actions in it. It is he (“our” User) who feels anxious, thinks, dwells on something, enjoys… And each reader can guess what is the name of “his” User — it’s your Personality.

There are good reasons why such terms as a person that denotes the integrity of a human being (from the Latin persona) and a personality denoting social and psychological aspects of a human being (from the Latin personalitas) have the same deep root persona.

Otherworldly view on “our” nature. The World of a Human being

Every Human being constantly processes information during his cognitive activity. Once this information is systematized (generalized), it acquires a new status — now it’s knowledge (“life experience”) of this particular Human being.

That’s why people reflect (“see”, feel) the outside World, and each of them does it in his/her own way (from his/her own “point of view”, “with his/her own eyes”).

Every person admits the existence of only those things he underwent by himself, then thought through, turned over in his mind, thought out, passed through, felt out, created, etc., that is, he cognized and realized something without any assistance.

If a human being did cognize and did realize “something”, then this “something” definitely exists for him!

If a human being didn’t cognize and didn’t realize “something”, then this “something” doesn’t exist for him at all!

All systematized and generalized feelings of a person are his consciousness (memory). There can be nothing more! This is the World of a human being he “lives” in.

P.S. If we imagine a meeting of two people, whose consciousnesses contain completely different information, they will not be able to communicate with each other, since they will have nothing to talk about, because these interlocutors live in “different Worlds” (they perceive the World “with different eyes”).

Intelligence. How is it measured?

The modern researchers are actively discussing such concepts as “intellect”, “intelligence”, “artificial intelligence”, “natural intelligence”, “Human intelligence“, etc., but up to this day no one has ever offered an approach to measuring the scale of intelligence of various beings. This article is the first attempt to move in this direction.

I want to pay your attention that there is a slight difference between my terms and the modern scientific ones. From my point of view, it allows us to see cognitive process in a more realistic light …

The MIND is a set of «thinking» abilities of the Brain (a set of Brain Powers), which enable the Body and the Personality of a Human Being to effectively process information during cognition, i.e.:

  • the maximum amount of data processed;
  • the maximum data processing speed;
  • a variety of processed data;
  • a variety of the methods of information input for further processing;
  • a variety of the methods of information output after it has been processed;
  • etc.

This set of abilities we call as “capacities of thinking”.  People who are able to effectively think, have always been called “thinkers”.

MIND is the objective characteristic (a set of parameters) of an object, which can be accurately measured, using the appropriate techniques.

Many objects are able to independently systematize (generalize, comprehend) information about the outside world during cognition. Such information (systematized knowledge) is called «consciousness» of objects, and objects themselves are called «conscious».


CONSCIOUSNESS is the objective characteristic (parameter) of an object. Consciousness can be accurately measured, using the appropriate techniques.

But there are objects that we call «creatures». They are able both to systematize information about the outside World and to use their «experience and knowledge» (their consciousness) in their activities.


REASON is the integral ability of Beings to use the accumulated «experience and knowledge» in their activities; it is this ability that distinguishes them from objects which are simply conscious. If the Beings have “reason”, they will possess abilities to analyze, abstract, generalize, logically think …

That is why «creatures» at all times were called “reasonable“, that is experienced, knowledgeable. And their activity was also considered to be “reasonable“.


INTELLIGENCE  is a property of an object that characterizes its ability to cognize the World (in the broadest sense of this word) by a heuristic method based on the object’s:

  • MIND; «thinking» abilities;
  • CONSCIOUSNESS; the volume of systematized information about the world (the volume of accumulated experience and knowledge):
  • REASON; ability to fully or partly use consciousness in certain activities.

INTELLECTUAL is the characteristic of a Being with excellent «cogitative» («thinking») abilities, great knowledge and personal experience, which ultimately allows him to take more correct decisions in his activity.

But intellect can also be expressed mathematically as a variable that changes in time and depends on three main variable functions:

Intelligence (t) = f(«thinking» abilities, t) * f(The volume of systematized information or the volume of Consciousness, t) * f(The amount of consciousness used for activities or Reason, t)

I(t) = f(TA, t) * f(C, t) * f(M, t)

I = Intelligence
TA = «Thinking» Abilities
C = Volume of Consciousness or Volume of Systematized Information
M = The Мind or a part of Consciousness used for performing one’s activity
t = time

Thus, «intelligence» is the variable in time objective characteristic (parameter) of an object; it can be accurately measured, using the appropriate techniques.

Of course, everything I’ve mentioned above is a very simplified model for defining “intelligence” of any Being. But this model really works. Its effectiveness differs it from all the rest models existing nowadays.

When and how can somebody be done a favor?

The question: When can somebody be done a favor?
 The answer: If you’re asked for a help. Otherwise, it will be a kind of involuntary action.


The question: Can somebody be offered with advices?
The answer: Yes,it’s possible but undesirable.If you advise someone else, this one will start thinking about your own advice, that is, about your personal point of view on the issues he is interested in. As a result, this person will make no efforts in order to get answers on his own! But take into account that in the end, the one who gave advice will always be at fault …


The question: Is it possible to change some person for the better?
The answer: Nobody has a right to change another individual.Neither for the better nor for the worse! In no circumstances! People have a right to make the information (their thoughts) available for each other!


The question: What is the way out then?
The answer: You just need to bear information and a person decides by himself whether to think over it or to shut his ears to the words being heard. If he wants to hear these words and his intelligence allows to realize what he heard, then he’ll make decision by himself about the necessity of these or that changes…


The question: What rules must curer follow during the healing of individuals?
The answer: Do not advice anything! Just ask your patient how can he/she change the current situation? How can he/she improve the current situation? Help (afford an opportunity) to “see” (sense) the way out of the current challenges. Do not interfere with this processunder any circumstances!

Jokes about psychics

“We are looking forward to welcoming talented magicians, clairvoyants, psychics and mediums for creative and highly paid work.
The time and place you already know.”





I was about to go to a psychic, but I changed my mind because I wasn’t sure in his abilities…
And I instantly get the message “That’s a pity!”.


  • Are you a clairvoyant?
  • Right you are, it’s Clairvoyance Services company. I am a clairvoyant Alex, what’s your problem?
  • Can we make an appointment on Thursday? If it’s possible, I’ll come at two o’clock, is it all right?
  • You won’t be able to. You’ll break your leg on Tuesday.



– Oh my God! — a fortuneteller exclaimed, looking at the client’s hand.
– You will be quartered, salted and then eaten up!
– One minute, please!- the client said. I just forgot to take off my gloves. They are made of a genuine pigskin leather.