Volume IV – “Bodies”. The New Cosmic Philosophy


“I don`t fully understand the word “incorporeality” as the science do. We will not talk about it until the discovery of incorporeal creatures. Because we agree to speculate only about undoubtful things.”

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
The Disputes Over Monism


“There is no absolute death or indifference. A contingent death is simplification of the absolute life, and a contingent birth is loss of its simplicity.”

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Synopsis of the Cosmic Philosophy




1. THE BODY of an object 5

1.1. The interpretation of the term BODY by early Slavs 5
1.2. The interpretation of the term BODY by the modern scientific representatives 5
1.3. The BODY – one`s reflection of manifested part of an object 7
1.4. The parameters of an individual `s receptors of his BODY as “SPLIT of cognition” 8
1.5. The subjectivity of the BODY concept 10
1.6. One OBJECT – lots of the BODIES` reflections 13
1.7. An individual uses different BODIES of an object for cognition 16
1.8. VISIBLE and INVISIBLE objects 18
1.9. “INCORPOREAL” objects 22
1.10. The hierarchy of the BODIES in the Universe 23
1.11. The phases of development of the objects` BODIES 26

1.11.1. THE BIRTH 26
1.11.2. THE DEATH 27
1.11.3. A PERISHING 29
1.11.4. A DYING 29
1.11.5. A CORPSE 29

1.12. The CLONES of bodies 30
1.13. What do psychics “see”? 34

2. THE BODY of a human being 37

2.1. THE VISIBLE and INVISIBLE bodies of human beings 38
2.2. “THE DENSE” BODY of a human being 40

2.2.1. The hierarchy of “the dense” BODIES that are inside “the dense” body of a human being 42
2.2.2. The variety of “the dense” bodies of human beings 43

2.3. “THE SUBTLE” bodies of human beings 49
2.4. The overall philosophy of the DENSE and SUBTLE human bodies 55

2.4.1. The physical origin of the DENSE and SUBTLE human bodies 55
2.4.2. The nature of the ENERGY body of a human being 57
2.4.3. The interconnection between ENERGY and DENSE body of a human being 58
2.4.4. Short conclusions 59



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