An amateur’s essay on the Universe …
Who are we? Where are we from? Where do we go?
A Human being, his Worlds, his Gods…
Я&R, canvas, oil, 70Х70 cm, 1999, Copyright © Serge Laisk
«Therefore I debated with myself for a long time whether to publish the volume which I wrote to prove the earth’s motion or rather to follow the example of the Pythagoreans and certain others, who used to transmit philosophy’s secrets only to kinsmen and friends, not in writing but by word of mouth...». “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres”, Nicolaus Copernicus, 1543
«I will endeavour to recover what got lost by humankind in multitude of millenniums, to find the philosopher’s stone it let drop.»
“The Living Universe”, K. Tsiolkovsky, 1923 г.
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Albert Einstein
“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” Nikola Tesla
“Hence, in man’s analysis and understanding of himself, it is as well to know from whence he came as to know whither he is going.” Edgar Cayce, Reading # 5753-1
The entire history of science actually is the history of changing paradigms, history of changing the arrangement of views and concepts accepted in a certain scientific community within a certain established scientific tradition during a certain period of time. Within such a system of views and concepts Humankind develops throughout each particular period of time. The current paradigm shifts – and so does the direction, in which Humankind has been developing.
Today the time has come to change one more paradigm – understanding of the very notion of a HUMAN, as well as many other notions related to it.
Virtually all problems of the mankind have everything to do with the fact that humans do not know themselves and their place in the World (in the broadest sense of this word). Therefore, without having an answer to the question what exactly a “man”, or a “human being”, is, it is simply useless to “treat” “illnesses” which humans suffer from, invent devices that are “useful” for them, come up with new approaches in management, and so on.
Today, the idea of spiritual development is substituted with religious faith – so cunningly that many people don’t see any difference between these two concepts and mix them up. This is already becoming dangerous not only for a particular person who does so, but for the humankind as a whole.
Recently I saw a book entitled “The History of Humankind” in an old book store. And for some reason I suddenly realized that the name the author had given to his writing wasn’t quite accurate. After all, such books in fact deserve names like “Stories of humankind”.
And here is why.
Every person, ever since his or her childhood, hears, reads, studies, observes, systematizes, summarizes, comprehends various… let’s call them “stories”. And it is the number of these “stories” systematized (perceived, summarized) that determines the place of a human being in the modern scientific society. I see it like this:
- A human being who has systematized (perceived, summarized) very few “stories” is an average person;
- A human being who has systematized (perceived, summarized) a bit more “stories”, becomes the one who teaches others;
- A human being who has systematized (perceived, summarized) many “stories”, earns a university degree;
- A human being who has systematized (perceived, summarized) a great many “stories”, is awarded a PhD or a Professional Doctorate and becomes a member of an appropriate academy.
However, such “stories” are different:
- If these stories are about studying and classifying archaeological remains, artifacts, ancient manuscripts, etc. and arranging information about them – the human who systematizes such information will probably pass such steps on his or her way up the career ladder as student of history, history teacher, holder of PhD in History, Doctor of Historical Sciences…
- If these stories are about studying and classifying illnesses of human bodies – the human who systematizes such information will probably pass such steps on his or her way up the career ladder as medical student, medical doctor, holder of a doctoral degree in medicine, holder of a post-doctoral degree in medicine…
- In other spheres the situation is the same…
From this point of view any human being who is systematizing (perceiving, summarizing) “stories”, in any sphere can be called a Doctor of Philosophy.
As for my personal “stories”, I have been summarizing them since my early childhood. What’s more, in 1973 a quantum jump occurred in my life, when I “absolutely accidentally” visited one of the very last lectures delivered by Wolf Messing. This speech was seared into my memory. It is from that moment on that I started “looking around” more closely.
Since 1978, I have visited almost all republics of the former USSR as well as many countries of the world (in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America). Being abroad during business trips and on vacation, I often met lots of interesting people who possessed unique knowledge, who independently studied and analyzed the vast experience accumulated by outstanding representatives of the Humankind.
Life not only asked questions, but also provided clues…
Paranormalists, thaumaturges, healers, fortune-tellers, sorceresses, charlatans, prestidigitators, wizards, medical doctors, UFO researchers, nonconventional medicine practitioners… Conversations with these people incited me to look for answers to the questions that came up, read books, watch documentaries and amateur videos.
The first results of my reflections and researches were recorded on several media in 2007.
At that time, I got an aspiration to restore the initial meaning of such concepts as “hidden knowledge”, “parallel world”, “living”, “essence”, “being”, “spirits”, “body”, ”organism”, “spirit”, “soul” “Man”, “God”, “Supreme God”, “materialization”, “consciousness”, “subconsciousness”, “information”… and to help readers move to a new, higher level in understanding of the world order, i.e. look at oneself (a human being) from a different angle, because otherwise the life of human beings on the Earth can “lose its meaning”… And I started writng.
In 2011 году I read philosophic papers by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky for the first time, and they left a lasting impression upon me. It resulted in creating the website, where more than 210 philosophic papers by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky were made available to the general public; a considerable share of these works were prepared for publishing and presented before reader audience for the first time ever. Tsiolkovsky himself noted that creation of his rocket science theory was only a complementary result, an addition to his philosophic works.
I am sure that the outstanding personality of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky deserves making philosophic works of this great Russian scientist and thinker publicly available, i.e. absolutely free of charge. For this purpose, all the philosophic works by this visionary were converted into PDF format, which enables readers to read them from any type of a personal computer or mobile device.
Much to my astonishment, I noticed that many of the phrases in my books’ and articles’ drafts looked pretty much the same as the phrases from the books by the great scientist and philosopher.
After much thought, I decided to put the ‘basic level’ of the information I had summarized in writing as a series of books (articles) named “The New Cosmic Philosophy”. This name came to my mind under the influence of the philosophic papers by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (“The Cosmic Philosophy” by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky) and research works by Nikola Tesla.
Since 2013, this series of books (articles) is being published on this site under the conventional name “The New Cosmic Philosophy” (Russian):
To view some of the books/articles in English, please move to “Archive of Works” section.
To view all books/articles in Russian, please move to “Авторские книги” section.