Judicial processes in the Universe. Part 1. Introduction.

Суды в Природе

Every human being, from the first day of his birth, constantly evaluates everything available for perception by the most diverse criteria – by size, by volume, by speed, by weight, by mass, by quantity, by quality, by smell, by sight, by tone, by appearance, by taste, by voice, by clothing, by facial expression, by description, by code, etc.
It is this innate ability to constantly evaluate everything according to some criterion or parameter that allows each person to judge the essence of the manifested by him according to his personal understanding, i.e. to make a judgment.
The term “manifestation” denotes a cognitive process in which information about the states of any fragments of the surrounding World is initially perceived by the subject in the form of his sensations and then displayed by him in the form of objects, processes and/or phenomena, thus forming his subjective picture of the World.
In ancient times, man used only his body and his personal knowledge to make judgments:
  • A tribe repelled an attack by another tribe, captured many of the attackers, and tried them in a tribal council. By the decision of the chief, all of the captives were burned at the stake;
Today, as many centuries ago, man makes many judgments on his own:
  • Members of Parliament made a momentous decision for the country;
  • A farmer made a decision to cull laying hens on his farm;
But, unlike in ancient times, in order to automate the judicial process, people are increasingly resorting to the use of various devices and programs created by them, which function on the basis of algorithms specially developed for these purposes:
  • The automated line initially calibrates walnuts by size and sorts them by quality, and further produces packing and packaging exactly according to these parameters. With the help of this automated line, a man passes a kind of judgment on the nuts, predetermining their fate. Those that pass the selection process will end up on people’s tables, and those that do not pass the selection process will become fertilizer or additives for animal feed;
  • An automated line sorts chicken eggs according to the sex of the future chick. If there is a cockerel in the egg, the egg is sent to the stores. If the egg is a hen, it is sent to the incubator. If an egg has two yolks, it is considered a bad egg. If the egg is damaged, the egg is sent to the egg powder plant, which is then used to produce a wide variety of products, from mayonnaise to additives for animal feed. With the help of the described automated line, a person makes a kind of judgment over hen’s eggs, predetermining their future fate;
  • A computer program called a “parental control program” automatically filters all content coming from the network in order to ensure safe interaction of children with the Internet and to protect their fragile psyche. Content can be filtered by a wide variety of criteria – keywords, URLs, viewing time, content type, and more. Parental control program helps parents to make their own judgment over all content coming to them from the Internet, predetermining its further fate – either to provide the content to their child for familiarization, or not;
  • A hardware-software complex called “Lie Detector” allows a more objective judgment of applicants for various positions of responsibility, predetermining their future fate;


Not only people, but all other Beings (Entities) in Nature continuously interact with the most diverse objects and constantly evaluate them, i.e. judge them according to their understanding.
All objects in Nature are hierarchical in terms of many different parameters. If we build a hierarchy model according to any pre-selected criterion, then any level of the hierarchical model will represent both a whole consisting of parts and a part within a larger whole, the so-called cholargy consisting of a set of cholons.
Within the framework of a particular hierarchical model, a subject is able to pass judgment on any object whose level is lower than his in this hierarchy and to predetermine the fate of this object.
Within a particular hierarchical model, the subject is not capable of judging and predetermining the fate of any object whose level is higher than his in this hierarchy. The subject is only able to judge and gossip about such objects
The activity of all courts in Nature is carried out on the basis of the Laws (algorithms), which were preliminarily developed by the Creators of the courts in order to judge the objects subject to them.
Since people occupy strictly definite places in the hierarchy of the Universe (depending on the chosen criteria of the hierarchical model construction), it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that the fate of each person is also predetermined by the court, the “heavenly” court.
Unfortunately, few people believe in the “heavenly” court today, despite the fact that Slavic mythology describes the Being who controls the fate of man and the name of this Being is the court.



Summary Conclusions:
Court is a conditional name of the process, the main purpose of which is to evaluate the defendant (someone or something) and then make a decision that will predetermine his fate.
Court is a conditional name of an object (authority, mechanism, algorithm) that carries out justice in order to achieve the goals set by the creators of the court.
Judgment is the name of a being in Slavic mythology that controls the fate of a person.
Judgment “heavenly” is a conditional name of the court that evaluates the quality of the earthly path of a person’s “I” and predetermines his fate.
To judge – to evaluate the defendant (someone or something) by any criterion. Initially, the judge studies the court materials, makes his opinion about the defendant and his deeds, and then on this basis predetermines his fate.
The judge is the subject who conducts the trial, i.e., administers justice to the defendant and predetermines his or her fate.
Defendant – an object whose fate is determined by the court.
To judge – to talk, gossiping, gossiping.
Destiny is a set of events predetermined by the court, which the defendant is unable to change. For any being, including a human being, fate looks like a course of his life formed independently of his will, as if some impersonal force manages the key events of his life. Fate, in its essence, represents the direction of further movement of something or someone in the Universe, i.e. the direction of its evolution.
Judgment “day” – The “day” of judgment (the moment of judgment).
Justice is a kind of activity, as a result of which judicial power is realized (manifested).
If people want to speculate (talk) about something, it is said about such people that they went to judge.
If people do not judge, but are engaged in gossip, i.e. gossip, they are said to judge.
The expression judging by… is used when someone evaluates something on the basis of something, taking something into account.




The author has chosen the style of writing this article on purpose, so that as many readers of this article as possible would be able to realize the ideas contained in it.


To be continued —> > >

Read more: Judicial processes in the Universe. Part 2. Evolution.